District Committees Overview
The Cheltenham School District (CSD) School Board of School Directors is organized in a committee structure that allows school administrators to report to their respective committees. Each December during Board reorganization, the Board President and Vice President appoint the committee co-chairs. Committees focus on broad topics, rather than the day-to-day administrative details of running our schools.
Committee work enables board members to delve into greater detail than is possible at the full board level. In-depth committee work builds governing expertise among board members and provides an opportunity for substantive discussion on key issues affecting our district. All committee meetings will be virtual and the community can participate at cheltenham.org/zoom. The standing committees are as follows: Educational Affairs, Facilities, Financial Affairs and Policy.
Contact the school board with any questions or concerns via schoolboard@cheltenham.org.
Educational Affairs Committee
(Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.)
The Educational Affairs Committee works to ensure quality educational opportunities for all students and reviews matters related to existing or new curriculum and educational programs, standardized testing and district evaluations. The committee oversees instructional planning and programming around standards alignment and equity and monitors assessment results and progress toward student achievement goals. Most recent meeting summary, slide deck and video>
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee reviews the operations of the school district’s maintenance, grounds and buildings, recommends adjustments and modifications to the maintenance and operations budget. With input from administration, members recommend long- and short-term uses and facility improvements in the best interest of the District; advocate for cost-effective and efficient capital projects and initiatives for full school board consideration. Agenda build for the ensuing legislative board meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Most recent meeting summary, slide deck and video>
Financial Affairs Committee
The Financial Affairs Committee reviews and monitors issues concerning the implementation of the school district budget, and recommends adjustments and modifications to the school district’s budget. Members encourage cost-effective and efficient projects and initiatives which optimize the district’s financial resources to meet the district’s goals and aid in setting the annual property tax levy. Most recent meeting summary, slide deck and video>
Policy Committee
(Meets periodically)
The Policy Committee makes recommendations to the full board about changes to current policies, addition of new policies and deletion of outdated policies based on changes in law, audits, and recommendations from administration with regard to district programs, pupils, employees, finances, property, operations, and community. The committee also monitors changes and trends affecting public education and considers new policies to address those changes. Most recent meeting summary, slide deck and video>
2024 Committee Chairs
Educational Affairs:
Leah Mulhearn, Robyn Murphy, Ross Whiting
Charles Burdell-Williams, Mia Blitstein
Daniel Schultz, Pamela Henry
Zachary Epps, Jennifer Lowman