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Mental Health Supports

Safety-Related Student Programming and Services


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Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

This program, which has been provided to administrators, nurses, counselors, safety officers and other school community members, is the help offered to young people experiencing a mental health challenge, mental disorder or mental health crisis. The eight-hour training introduces common mental health challenges for youth, including anxiety, depression, substance use, disruptive behavior disorders and eating disorders, reviews typical adolescent development and teaches a five-step action plan:

  • Assess for risk of suicide or harm
  • Listen non-judgmentally
  • Give reassurance and information
  • Encourage appropriate professional help
  • Encourage self-help and other support strategies to help young people in crisis and non-crisis situations

“Start with Hello Week”
For the past two years, the District has participated in this national initiative to raise awareness and educate students about social isolation – the feeling of being left out, lonely or treated like one is invisible. “Start with Hello Week” teaches students the skills needed to connect with and include peers who may be experiencing chronic social isolation and create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school.

Minding Your Mind
Representatives from Minding Your Mind have presented to Cheltenham High School students during physical education classes. The organization’s primary objective is to improve the lives of adolescents and young adults by providing education aimed at reducing the stigma, destructive attitudes and behaviors associated with mental illness. Its speakers shared about their struggles with mental health issues and discussed stories of challenge and recovery with students.

CSD counselors participated in a two-hour suicide awareness training facilitated by Minding Your Mind. The organization provided Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training this past school year teaching how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis, the common causes of suicidal behavior, how to prevent suicide and how to question, persuade and refer someone for help.

Lakeside Student Support Counselors
The primary function of the two student support counselors (SSC) at CHS is to provide counseling support so students can achieve academic success. Recognizing students may experience emotional, behavioral and social challenges which impact their ability to learn and function within the school community, SSCs renders daily counseling support and consults with teachers and administrators on preventive, proactive strategies to support students’ learning and achievement. When students presenting needs have an excessive impact on their school functioning, the SSC works in conjunction with school officials to connect them with additional counseling resources within the community through a public or private service provider.

Aldersgate Youth Services Bureau Counselor
A counselor from Aldersgate Youth Services Bureau is at the High School two days a week to provide drug/alcohol and mental health counseling services. The counselor consults with teachers, administration and parents/guardians and conducts group counseling for CHS students.

Mental Health Resources

It can be challenging to find the right words when talking to children about tragic events. Please take a moment to review the resources below which can be used when engaging in such conversations. (click image for article)

Talking About Difficult News

APA Article


Recovering From Trauma

Recovering from trauma article


 Talking About Violence

NASP article talking about violence


Coping with Disaster

SAMHSA article coping with disaster