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Inclement Weather Info

The District’s decision to open, close or dismiss schools in inclement weather has a big impact on our families. Student safety is a priority for the district. Below, please find a list of helpful information regarding the School District’s inclement weather procedures and notification system.  

The decision to open or close schools in bad winter weather is based on careful analysis of all relevant factors, such as:

  • Information on road conditions from transportation staff and other officials. We must give careful consideration to the most dangerous roads in the district. Even if your street looks clear, travel elsewhere in the district may be dangerous. Also, we must consider that some high school students drive to school.
  • Amount of snow and ice accumulated.
  • Precipitation timeframe.
  • Building conditions, such as whether we have electricity and heat.
  • Parking lot conditions.
  • Temperature and wind chill. Please remember that some of our students walk to school and some must wait outside for the bus.
  • Weather predictions. We prefer not making decisions based on weather predictions, which are not always accurate. But sometimes this is unavoidable.
  • What other school districts are doing. We also share information with other local districts and check whether they are opening or closing.

The Superintendent of Schools makes the final decision, based on the above factors and recommendations from the director of facilities and supervisor of transportation.

The decision is normally made as soon as possible so we can notify radio, TV stations, and communicate the news effectively. Every effort is made to announce a closing as quickly as possible.

Although the district does its absolute best in this process, inclement weather poses many challenges. If you do not feel as though it is safe for your child to attend school because of the inclement weather, use your best judgment.

How You Are Notified

  • Television: Tune in to 6ABC, CBS3, NBC10 and Fox29
  • District website pop up notification  
  • School Messenger phone notification system
  • District email message
  • District text alert
  • District social media page notification

Weather and Right at School

DISTRICT SNOW DAY: Right at School is CLOSED for day

DISTRICT 2 HOUR DELAY: Right at School is NOT OPEN for morning programming

DISTRICT EARLY CLOSURE: Right at School is NOT OPEN for afternoon programming

Delays & Dismissals


The District sometimes utilizes a two-hour delay to allow additional time for road crews to complete their work. In the case of a two-hour delay, buses will run regular routes two hours later (public and nonpublic).


Please consider making contingency plans with neighbors, friends or relatives, to assure that your child has adult supervision and a place to go in case of late starts, early dismissals, or school closings. (Especially in the case of young children, please talk with them about these possibilities and “practice” what they are to do.)