How Students Can Help
Listen to friends and if they share intense feelings of anger, fear, anxiety or depression, encourage them to seek help from parents or trusted adults, including school psychologists, counselors, teachers, faith community leaders or other professionals. If you are very concerned, seek help for them and/or share your concerns with your parents.
Understand Cheltenham’s student code of conduct and model responsible behavior. Refrain from teasing, bullying or intimidating peers.
Be a role model by taking personal responsibility for your anger by not physically or verbally harming others.
Help develop and participate in activities promoting student understanding of differences and respect for the rights of all.
Participate in violence prevention programs, such as peer mediation and conflict resolution. Employ these skills in other settings such as home, neighborhood, and community.
Create, join or support student organizations which combat violence, teach tolerance and understanding and promote a positive self-image.
Volunteer to mentor younger students or tutor peers.
Assist with local businesses and community groups with organizing positive youth-oriented activities to help young people think of ways to combat violence and isolation.