Overview of Phases
Phase I: Engage
Document the current state of reality and desired future position of the district.
- Conducted 11 board of school directors and admin structured, individual interviews.
- Conducted focus groups with key stakeholder populations (100+ participants).
- Reviewed mission, vision, and guiding principles of the district.
- Reviewed archival data and reports provided by the district.
- Administered survey of key stakeholder populations (897 respondents).
- Discussed research and best practice around emerging themes from the engage phase.
- The survey responses, along with the participation in the interviews and the focus groups, are strong indicators of the support that the community, parents/ guardians and staff demonstrate for the school district.
- District Demographic Overview (Enrollment)
- Finance Overview (Personnel/Organizational)
- Assessments Scores Overview (Data/Performance)
- Facilities & Technology Overview (Infrastructure)
- School Directors & Administration Interviews (11 participants)
- 15 Focus Groups (100+ participants)
- Assessments Scores Overview (Data/Performance)
- Online Survey Results (897 participants)
Phase II: Focus
Create a framework for broad direction and priorities for the future in a formal strategic action plan document.
- Reviewed stakeholder feedback and themes from engagement sessions.
- Documented mission and vision and the future direction desired by stakeholders.
- Initiated discussion regarding Portrait of a Graduate concept.
- Developed a draft strategic plan document to serve as a broad outline to guide the future direction of the district. The strategic plan contains:
- Mission and Vision
- Global findings, strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats (SCOT) analysis
- Portrait of a Graduate
- Strategic goals and objectives
- Establish action teams and themes
Phase III: Execute
Document specific steps that will be taken in order to accomplish the goals and objectives identified in the strategic plan.
- Administrator planning meeting to guide implementation
- Initial biannual goals, plans and metrics
- Presentation to the board of school directors
- Executive summary