Transportation FAQs
Q: Who do I contact if my child's bus is running late?
A: Call the dispatch office first at 215-277-5057 or 267-460-8698. If you can not reach anyone at those numbers, call the district transportation office at 215-886-9500 X 6019 or 6018.
Q: Where can I find my child’s bus schedule?
A: Bus schedules for students grades 5-12 are visible on the PowerSchool Parent Portal under the Transportation tab. For students in grades K-4, bus schedules are emailed to the parents/guardians at the beginning of the year. If you are newly enrolled, or recently changed addresses, please contact your child's school or the transportation office for the bus schedule.
Q: How far away can a bus stop be from my house?
A: Per state law and district policy, students may be required to walk up to 1.5 miles to the bus stop. Generally, most residences are within 0.4 miles of a neighborhood bus stop.
Q: Can we move the stop to a safer location?
A: Cheltenham School District has many housing developments and neighborhoods which do not have sidewalks or street lights. With the exception of roads PennDOT deems hazardous, those conveniences are not required in order for a student to walk to a bus stop or school.
Q: What are the primary criteria for determining a stop's safety?
A: Primary factors concerning safety are volume of traffic, sufficient visibility for pedestrians and drivers, and posted speed limit.
Q. Are the buses permitted to enter a cul-de-sac or no outlet road?
A. For safety and liability purposes, Cheltenham buses are not routed into cul-de-sacs or no outlet roads for the following reasons: The size and visibility limitations of a bus make maneuvering in a cul-de-sac very difficult; and parked vehicles, pedestrians, and other street infrastructure create hazards which impede the vehicle’s movement in tight quarters. Exceptions are only made for students with disabilities, or where otherwise required by law.
Q: Can the bus pick my student up at home?
A: House stops are assigned only for students where PennDOT considers the required walking path to be hazardous for students with disabilities, or where required by law. Otherwise, students of all ages are expected to walk to their assigned neighborhood stop.
Contact Information
Cheltenham Transportation
Bus Depot
Derek Platt
Supervisor of Transportation
Charlene Gallagher
Transportation Specialist