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Rules and Regulations

Following the bus safety rules and regulations will ensure safety, prompt arrivals and departures of buses, and positive attitudes on the part of students.  Violations of these rules may result in the suspension of bus privileges.
The Student Code of Conduct applies to behavior on the school bus and may apply at the bus stop.

  • Buses will only stop at authorized stops.
  • Students may board the bus only at their designated bus stops.
  • Students should arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Students should wait a minimum of 30 minutes for late-arriving buses.
  • Supervision of students at a bus stop is primarily the responsibility of parents/guardians.
  • Bus and bus stop misconduct is subject to disciplinary action by the school.
  • A parent or parent-authorized guardian must be present at the bus stop to receive kindergarten and first grade students.
  • If a parent/guardian is not present at the bus stop, kindergarten and first grade students will be kept on the bus while Cheltenham Transportation attempts to contact their parent/guardian. If parent/guardian can't be reached, students will be taken back to their school of attendance. If no staff are present at the school, Cheltenham Transportation will try to contact the parent/guardian again before taking the child to the police station.

Additional Rules and Regulations

Contact Information

Cheltenham Transportation
Bus Depot

Derek Platt
Supervisor of Transportation

Charlene Gallagher
Transportation Specialist

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