Parent Resources
FAQ - Most common questions pertaining to the CSD Chromebook 1:1 initiative
Google Safety Center - Be smart online, and guide your child in building a positive digital profile
Common Sense Media - Provides information for kids and families to thrive in a world of media and technology.
Digital Citizenship - Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders, and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately
Internet Safety - You don't have to be a computer expert to keep your child safe online.
Comcast Internet Essentials - Fast, affordable home Internet service
Open DNS - Free parental controls for your home Internet connection.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - A professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.