Frequently Asked Questions
1) How will the 1:1 initiative help our students?
24/7 access to technology makes it possible for students to access a wider array of resources to support their learning, to communicate with peers and their teachers, and to become fluent in their use of the technological tools in the 21st Century workplace.
2) What is the annual insurance fee for a Chromebook?
All students entering grades 9-12, except those who qualify for the national free and reduced lunch program, are asked to pay a $30.00 yearly insurance fee. Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch program pay $10.00. Insurance covers one incident and one battery replacement annually. Payment may be processed via the CSD Payment Center or by check.
3) What do I do if my Chromebook doesn't work or is damaged?
Please visit the support center in your school's library. There you can file a support ticket and sign out a loaner device. It’s important not to delay as one problem can lead to another if not solved right away. If your Chromebook is damaged, we will fix it or send it out for repair. If it needs to be fixed, we will loan you a device to use until it's returned. Under no circumstances should you or anyone else take the device to a third party to try to fix. District provided Chromebooks are the property of the Cheltenham School District, and District personnel shall fix all problems.
4) What if my Chromebook is lost or stolen?
Please email or contact a high school building administrator immediately.
5) May I take my Chromebook home?
All high school students may take the device home once all requirements have been met.
6) I'm concerned about my student accessing inappropriate information on the Internet while using their Chromebook?
7) Do I need to have Internet service at home for my Chromebook to work?
Many Chromebook applications, including docs, presentations, spreadsheets, etc. will work offline. Regardless of device, Internet access is becoming more and more integral to the educational process. Teachers and students are continually finding and using information, resources, tools, and programs on the Web to enhance the learning environment. While some projects and assignments do not require Internet access, the district understands how important it is to connect our students to the "net", so they do not fall into the digital divide of not having access to the Internet at home.
8) Where do I keep my Chromebook while at school?
At school, you will carry your device to all your classes. For any classes not requiring your device, or during lunch, you must store your device in your locked locker or keep it with you. You are responsible for the device and should never leave it unattended or unsecured.
The Cheltenham School District owns the device. Students will receive the same device each school year for the functional life of the device. The devices will be returned at the end of the school year before summer break. Therefore, it is very important that the device is taken care of it. You are required to leave all identification and inventory tags in place. Don’t write on the device or attach any stickers to it.
10) Will faculty or staff be able to access or control the webcam on my Chromebook?
No. Faculty and staff will not have access to remotely control the webcam in any way. Administrators cannot control the webcam, but can disable it.