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Attention Professional Applicants

All employees of the Cheltenham School District apply through the Office of Human Resources, which posts *vacancies, processes applications and interviews candidates in cooperation with other members of the administrative staff. We are a member of PAREAP (Pennsylvania Regional Educational Applicant Program) and we often post announcements on However, we only accept applications on our district site ( through TalentEd Recruit & Hire applicant tracking system.

We do not accept paper applications (i.e. via email, US Postal mail, fax, or hand delivery).  

Employment information acquired in any manner outside of the electronic process will not be processed or accepted. No phone calls please, you will receive automated responses regarding receipt of application(s).

NOTE: The system will not allow you to apply unless a position is posted. You can sign up for job alerts that will notify you via e-mail of current postings. If no jobs are available on the welcome page, then there are no external positions available. Current Vacancies  

Internal Staff must click on Internal at the top right of the TalentEd Recruit & Hire page and follow the instructions to apply. Note:  long-term substitutes are not categorized as internal and must sign up as an external applicant. This portion is done one time only. Subsequent visits require logging in at the top left of the page.  


  1. Once you find a job, you would like to apply, just click on the title of the position (i.e. "Science Teacher") or the "Apply" button.  
  2. Initially, you need to create a new account by clicking on "Create a New Account and Apply for This Position" button. Answer the on-screen questions to create an account. You must complete all required fields and click the "Save and Submit" button at the end of the application. (If you have already created an account just log in with your username and password at the top left of the screen. This will pull the information you previously typed into future applications.)  
  3. You will then review a description of the job and click on the "Apply for This Position" button.  
  4. When your application is successfully submitted, you will receive a Confirmation Number. You can use this confirmation number to reference a particular job application.
  5. Repeat steps 3 - 5 to apply for multiple positions. 

*Please note that Cheltenham School District does not manage positions in the areas of Substitute Teaching and Substitute Support Staff. You can contact Kelly Educational Services at 610.265.0354 or

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