Facilities Presentations
The Facilities Committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month (except July). At the Facilities Committee meetings, two board members who have been appointed co-chairs of the committee lead the meeting. The meeting ordinarily provides information on a topic of interest which is generated in collaboration with the committee co-chairs. The presentations from these meetings for the past year are posted below.
Facilities Committee Meetings
February 2025
With co-chair Charles Burdell Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee met for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, in-person and via video conferencing. The meeting began with Director of Business Services Josh Sweigard reviewing the items on the long-range capital plan, including Cedarbrook and Glenside additions, Cheltenham High School stadium, roof and HVAC and the Administration Building. Mr. Sweigard then turned it over to representatives from KCBA and SiteLogiq, who updated the board on the progress of the high school stadium project. Working on a tight timeline, procurement so far includes aluminum for bleachers and a transformer, and bids have been received for artificial turf and synthetic track. Total project cost is projected to be around $12M. Construction is slated to begin once the school year ends, and will be completed in time for football season this fall. Mr. Sweigard then gave an update on the upcoming roofing project at the high school. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation February 2025> | Video>
January 2025
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting in person and via video conferencing on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The meeting had one agenda item: construction updates from architect KCBA. The presentation included updates on ongoing initiatives and future plans to ensure district facilities effectively meet the needs of the community. Projects touched upon included the stadium renovation and expansions at Cedarbrook Middle School and Glenside Elementary. The next meeting of the Facilities Committee is Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Facilities Committee Presentation January 2025> | Video>
December 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the district’s Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing on Tuesday, December 3. The agenda included items on winter preparations and use of the FMX preventive maintenance program. The bulk of the meeting focused on the five construction projects the district is undertaking in the immediate future: Roof repair at CHS; CHS Stadium renovation; additions at Glenside and Cedarbrook; and the CHS HVAC upgrades. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, January 7 at 7 p.m. in person and via Zoom. Facilities Committee Presentation December 2024> | Video>
November 2024
With co-chair Mia Blitstein presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via Zoom on November 12 for its monthly meeting. The agenda included a look at emergent situations at Myers (water leak) and Elkins Park (electrical outage); a new playground surface for Glenside; the installation of a sensory hallway at Wyncote; and the $1M grant from the Department of Community & Economic Development to help fix the roof at the high school. Finally, Dr. Scriven discussed the continued implementation of the work order system from FMX, and asset calculation software from Bureau Veritas. The next Facilities Committee meeting is December 3 at 7 p.m. in person and via video conferencing. Facilities Committee Presentation November 2024> | Video>
October 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via videoconferencing for its monthly meeting on October 1. At this meeting, the agenda included updates on the building improvements at Myers Elementary School; Cheltenham High and Meyers Elementary bottle filler installations; Elkins Park and Cedarbrook Middle School recycling initiative; indoor air quality at Cheltenham High School; and an update on the Cheltenham High School varsity field restoration. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, November 12 at 7 p.m. in person at the Administration Building and online via Zoom. Facilities Committee Presentation October 2024> | Video>
September 2024
With co-chair Mia Blitstein presiding, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting in person and via video conferencing on Tuesday, September 3. At this meeting, the agenda included updates on the annual employee appreciation breakfast for all custodial, maintenance, and grounds employees; Cheltenham High School kiln replacement, tennis courts restoration, and terrazzo project; Elkins Park and Cedarbrook recycling initiative update; Elkins Park new furniture installation; EPIC project update and ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the new location. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, October 1. Facilities Committee Presentation September 2024> | Video>
August 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. At this meeting, the agenda included updates on the EPIC project; stormwater management throughout the school district; resurfacing and striping of the parking lot at Cheltenham High School; and an update on the conditions of the football field at Cheltenham High School. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 7 p.m. in person and via video conferencing. Facilities Committee Presentation August 2024> | Video>
June 2024
With co-chair Mia Blitistein presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 11. At this meeting, the agenda included updates from Re:Vision on the next steps in the sustainability initiative process. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation June 2024> | Video>
May 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting in person and via video conferencing on Tuesday, May 7. At this meeting, the agenda included updates on the storm drain repairs at Cheltenham High School; Re:Vision Architects on districtwide sustainability; Cheltenham High School roofing and drainage repairs; districtwide recycling bin replacements; Myers Elementary School playground improvements and Glenside Elementary School Earth Day Club. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, June 11. Facilities Committee Presentation May 2024> | Video>
April 2024
With Finance Committee co-chair Daniel Shultz presiding, the Finance Committee and Facilities Committees convened in person and via video conferencing for a combined monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 2. At the meeting, the committees reviewed a presentation regarding the capital planning and feasibility study conducted by architectural firm KCBA. KCBA presented several pathways for long-term capital planning and operational efficiency. Both pathways focused on addressing aging buildings, whether it be moving students to modern buildings, or upgrading existing classroom spaces. The committee then reviewed the financial implications of each pathway as presented by the district's director of business services. These presentations were followed up with time to receive public comment and feedback. The next Facilities and Financial Affairs Committee meetings are Tuesday, May 7. Facilities Committee Presentation April 2024> | Video>>
March 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 5. District Facilities Director Tim Holman delivered the following updates: menu boards have been successfully installed at the high school cafeteria, providing students and staff with easy access to daily meal options; building mechanic Will Cochran saved the district $15,000 by repairing the HVAC system that supplies the main office of the high school; regarding sustainability, an update on the high school project scope of work is being outlined; CSD has taken delivery of three riding lawn mowers to help maintain school grounds; new signage has been installed at the Administration Building; and through the collaborative efforts of the school district and township, cleaning Panther Road was completed. Facilities Committee Presentation March 2024> | Video>>
February 2024
With co-chair Mia Blitstein presiding, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 6 in person and via video conferencing. At this meeting, the agenda included updates on the CHS natatorium improvements for senior night; Cheltenham High School domestic hot water heater; Myers Elementary playground update and equipment replacement; Glenside Elementary sea box removal; and District-wide updates. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation February 2024> | Video>
January 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024. At this meeting, Re:Vision Architecture discussed developing a sustainability plan for the school district. The agenda also included updates on the LED lighting fixture project and recycling initiatives throughout the district. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation January 2024> | Video>
December 2023
With co-chair Charles Burdell Williams chairing, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 5. Director of Facilities Timothy Holman delivered updates on a number of projects. CSD is awaiting quotes for a replacement domestic hot water plant at CHS. Re:Vision, which will be developing the district’s sustainability plan, will visit the district on Dec. 7. Facilities continues to work with the high school’s Environmental Club on this project. The district was able to take advantage of the PECO LED replacement at Cedarbrook Junior High School gymnasium, which will save the district thousands of dollars. The department addressed playground deficiencies at Elkins Park, and while there, took the opportunity to make improvements. The sea box containers at the elementary schools are being removed from the buildings, and the ones that we own are being relocated to the high school for under-bleacher storage. When plans proceed with the new stadium, the sea boxes will be repurposed. The abitibi recycling dumpsters have been removed from the schools, Glenside, Elkins Park, and the high school. As an update on previous items, the high school practice field is off-limits due to overseeding, and Facilities will be deep cleaning the CHS locker rooms, while also mass trapping over the winter break. Facilities Committee Presentation December 2023> | Video>
November 2023
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in-person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. The agenda included updates on the power outage, hot water boiler, and pool scoreboard installation at Cheltenham High School; district-wide sustainability initiatives/recycling; sea box removal; and maintenance vehicle replacements. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, December 5 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation November 2023> | Video>>
October 2023
With co-chair David Cohen presiding, the Facilities Committee convened via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 3. The agenda included updates on the temporary and planned power outages at Cheltenham High School; landscape maintenance and continuous improvements at Elkins Park School; signage and sustainability initiatives throughout the district; and Bureau Veritas Capital Improvement Plan. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation October 2023> | Video>
September 2023
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee met on Tuesday, Sept. 9 in person and via video conferencing. Regarding the high school, there was an update for the fire alarm system and its fine tuning. There was also a slide on the repairs made by Always Safe Sidewalks under the bus overhang at the rear of the high school. A slide showed the watering of the athletic fields, promoting a healthy playing surface for our student-athletes. The next slide showed the difference LED lighting makes at CHS. The following slide showed the school district’s continuing efforts regarding sustainability. CSD has diverted 175k bottles from landfills thanks to the use of the bottle-filling stations in the high school. Facilities director Timothy Holman continued, showing multiple slides of the building upgrades at Elkins Park School. FMX is the district’s new work order system, which will save the district money overall due to the savings in building usage. The next facilities meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation September 2023> | Video>
June 2023
With co-chair Charles-Burdell Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 6. The agenda included a discussion of summer projects across the district and expected activity at each building with the largest projects being at the high school (fire alarm, LED conversion) and Elkins Park School (LED conversion, ceiling tile replacement, painting). The committee then reviewed a budgeted scope for the high school stadium renovation/maintenance project. The meeting ended with a discussion on the progress of the conversion of the district's work order system. The next Facilities Committee meeting is in August. Facilities Committee Presentation June 2023> | Video>
May 2023
With co-chair David Cohen presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 2. The agenda included the underground electrical project at Wyncote Elementary School that was completed; Cheltenham High School painting projects; Wyncote Elementary School mosaic restoration; Cheltenham High School stadium renovations/improvements; FMX work order program; and Cheltenham High School fire alarm installation. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, June 6. Facilities Committee Presentation May 2023 | Video>
April 2023
With co-chair David Cohen presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing on Tuesday, April 11 for its monthly meeting. At the meeting, director of facilities Timothy Holman covered a number of topics about district facilities. At Admin, Holman discussed Hirschburg Mechanical being on-site to satisfy the lack of backflow protection; the continued upgrades to room 101; and the fact that the roof will need to be repaired due to deteriorating roof decking and slate shingles. At the high school, Holman announced the bid opening for the fire alarm; the completion of the library project repiping project; and the installation of energy efficient LED fixtures in the high school vestibule. Holman reviewed the conversion of the STEM classroom into an art room at Elkins Park. Holman discussed the repairs to the inoperable generator switchgear at Glenside. With regard to vendors, Holman announced the selection of Fleet Up Standard for GPS tracking of district vehicles and FMX as the district’s work order system. Finally, Holman welcomed Will Littles as the new custodial supervisor. The next Facilities Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 2 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation April 2023 | Video>
March 2023
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. The agenda included health and safety inspection reports and corrections that were completed at Cheltenham High School and Elkins Park School; Cheltenham High School fire alarm event; Elkins Park sewer blockage; and custodial supervisor interview process. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Facilities Committee Presentation March 2023> | Video.
February 2023
With co-chair David Cohen presiding, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting in-person and via video conferencing on Tuesday, Feb. 7. The agenda included a number of updates on items around the exciting world of Cheltenham Facilities. Administration Building upgrades led off the agenda with CSD Facilities Director Tim Holman speaking to the new building sign on Ashbourne Rd., and room 102 being turned into a video conferencing suite. Holman spoke about the lintels and grout around the admin building’s windows deteriorating, stating, “This will need to be addressed in the near future.” Holman next covered the flag pole repair at Cheltenham Elementary, the high school flag pole needing paint once it’s warmer, new signage greeting those entering the high school from the student parking lot and the repair to the sponsor panel on the football field’s scoreboard. Finally, Holman spoke about his meeting with the sustainability committee, which includes several student members. The next Facilities Committee meeting is hybrid and scheduled for March 7 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation February 2023> | Video.
January 2023
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened in-person and via video conferencing for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 3. Facilities director Timothy Holman delivered the presentation that started with a not-so-inviting pipe at the Elkins Park kitchen, which was given the go-ahead to be jetted by Hirchsburg and Sons. Hirchsburg and Sons also handled some other miscellaneous repairs to the kitchen area to address code violations. Staying with Elkins Park, Holman briefed the board on an asbestos abatement job in room 004 completed over winter break. Holman next moved on to projects at the high school, which included replacing a mirror in the weightroom and the wind damage the stadium scoreboard sustained. Finally, the district is investigating three different work order control companies, and is narrowing in on the best fit. Facilities Committee Presentation January 2023> |
December 2022
With co-chair David Cohen presiding, the Facilities Committee convened for its monthly meeting in-person and via Zoom on Thursday, Dec. 8. The agenda was four items: CHS fire restoration update; CHS scoreboard sponsor panel; Myers Elementary School playground repairs; and staffing challenges. The restoration of the high school lab which caught fire in the spring is nearly complete. The high school stadium scoreboard received a new sponsor panel. The Myers playground repairs were completed over the course of a weekend. Facilities is facing staffing challenges with substitutes, a situation which director Timothy Holman is in the process of rectifying. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation December 2022> | Video>
November 2024
With co-chair Charles Burdell-Williams presiding, the Facilities Committee convened its monthly meeting at the Administration Building and on Zoom on Tuesday, Nov. 1. The meeting opened with a discussion of the June 2022 fire at the high school which damaged several classrooms, corridors, and stairwells. The fire restoration has been completed with the exception of classroom 215, which is awaiting cabinetry installation. Then CSD Director of Facilities Tim Holman went into the floor care updates, and hot water redundancy measures at the high school. More than 100 layers of sealer and wax were removed from the floors at the high school. Myers Elementary School is getting a long-awaited playground upgrade. Holman finished by displaying a screenshot of the number of work orders being completed in the School Dude system. The next Facilities Committee meeting is Thursday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. Facilities Committee Presentation November 2022> | Video>