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Facilities Use

The Cheltenham School District thanks you for your interest in utilizing our facilities. Being a good community partner, CSD believes its facilities should be available to the community to further the educational, cultural, civic, social and recreational growth of its citizens, and is pleased to make its assets available to civic and community groups for meetings and events. 

CSD facilities available for use include interior spaces like gyms and auditoriums, and exterior spaces like sports fields and tennis courts. Rentals are carried out in accordance with school board policy No. 707 Use of District Facilities and its accompanying administrative regulation. As part of adhering to the policy, groups must provide proof of adequate insurance.

Please note the primary purpose of the facilities is to support the education of our  students and, as such, external rentals can not interfere with that purpose. In all cases, school and school-related activities shall have priority of use of all facilities. Facilities are only available if not already in use for a school-related event. 

Groups interested in utilizing Cheltenham School District facilities for a school or community activity should download and read the Facilities Use ApplicationFacilities Use Rules, and Facilities Use Fee Schedule prior to submitting an application.