LinkIt Parent Portal Support
With our use of LinkIt, you can access your child(ren)s’ benchmark, state, and national assessment data through LinkIt! Parent Portal (Note: This is different from the PowerSchool Parent Portal). As we collect more data through LinkIt, we will add additional assessments and data points in later years for your review. As of 2023-2024, depending your child(ren)’s grade level and/or building, you might see:
IXL benchmarks
CDT benchmarks
iReady benchmarks
PSSA results
Keystone Exam results
AP Exam results
PSAT results
ACT results
When reviewing any of the above data, it is critical to remember the purpose of each assessment and what it is measuring when the assessment is given. For example: benchmarks are often given three times a year (fall, winter, and spring). The fall and winter benchmarks are measuring students abilities based on grade level standards that they have NOT been taught yet. By the spring benchmark, you will see a more realistic perspective on where a student is as it relates to grade level standards. In addition, each assessment is broken down into standards and skills, and those are used by teachers to identify student strengths and opportunities for growth. Often, these subscores are more valuable than the overall score. If you have questions about your child’s assessment data, the best place to start is with the classroom teacher who is by far the most knowledgeable person about your child’s academic abilities. Building principals are also incredibly adept at analyzing and using data to support student growth.
Click here for directions to LinkIt Parent/Guardian Portal Sign-In.
Troubleshooting Parent Login Page
The url of the Cheltenham LinkIt Parent Portal is:
You will receive (or have received) an email from LinkIt with your registration code. Your username will be the email address found in Powerschool where you received the registration code. You will then be directed to create your password.
If you are in need of a registration code or are missing one of your children’s data once logged in, please complete this form: CSD LinkIt! Parent Portal Support Request Form
If you are having problems logging into your account, please use the password reset found on the website.
Resources From LinkIt!
LinkIt! Parent Portal Access and Guidance (9 min tutorial)
Logging into the Parent Portal Screenshots and Guidance from LinkIt! (.pdf)