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Title I Program

What are Academic Support Services funded by Title I?

High-quality curriculum and instruction in math and reading in a supportive and effective learning environment using:

  • Leveled materials
  • Additional instruction in the appropriate environment for each student
  • On-going communication between academic support teachers and classroom teachers
  • Reinforcement and extension of classroom strategies

Who is a Student in need of Academic Support?

  • Qualifies for support based on criteria as set by the school district
  • Identified as “at risk” of not meeting state standards

How are students identified? 

Multiple measures that include the following: 

  • Objective criteria based on data developed by the school district
  • Educationally related to math and reading
  • If preschool – grade 2: may include judgment of teacher, interviews with parents, and other developmentally appropriate means 

When are parents/guardians notified?

  • Letters of eligibility are sent home in September with criteria
  • Service begins immediately
  • Parents are contacted throughout the school year concerning student progress

Components of Our Academic Support Program: 

  • Use of effective methods and instructional strategies based on educational research, such as, extended learning time, small group instruction, multi-sensory approaches
  • Coordinates with general education program
  • Uses highly qualified teachers trained in math and reading strategies
  • Includes parental involvement
  • Coordinates with other support services within the district such as, speech and language, special education and ESL program 

Additional Resources

Contact Us

Lisa Morgan

Academic Interventionist
Elkins Park School 

Christine O'Connell
Academic Interventionist
Elkins Park School 

Jenna Jarrett
Academic Interventionist
Elkins Park School 

Fanny Tan
Math Support

Cheltenham Elementary 

Laurel Doran

Reading Specialist
Cheltenham Elementary 

Natalie Freeman

Reading Specialist
Cheltenham Elementary 

Bridget Adams

Reading Specialist
Myers Elementary 

Dana Diamondstein

Math Support
Myers Elementary