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Special Education Alliance of Cheltenham (SEAC)

Mission Statement:

The Special Education Alliance of Cheltenham, (SEAC) is committed to providing advocacy, support, and education to create a school community in which all children are equally engaged, respected, and academically challenged. While SEAC was created by and for caregivers of children with disabilities/learning differences in the Cheltenham School District (CSD), we welcome the participation of anyone who supports our mission.

Our work includes but is not limited to:

Serving as a resource for CSD families who have a child with a disability or learning difference:

  • Holding educational workshops for parents/caregivers.
  • Providing referrals to helpful resources.
  • Providing a means for families of children with disabilities and learning differences in the school district to connect and find support.

Amplifying our voices by working together to advocate for our kids:

  • Working to ensure the voices of families of children with disabilities are considered when the district is making decisions or seeking community input.
  • Meeting with the administration as needed.
  • Speaking up at school board meetings and committee meetings.
  • Providing programming and materials that help educate the Cheltenham School Community (teachers, staff, and families) about issues related to disability, helping them learn to be better allies and reducing stigma surrounding disability.

Annual Inclusion Event:

SEAC, United Parents Group (UPG) and the Cheltenham African American Alliance (CAAA) jointly host an annual Inclusion Event with support from Cheltenham School District. The objectives of the inclusion event include inviting Cheltenham community members to engage in conversations around disability, to be curious about the experiences of people with disabilities and to learn how they can be better allies to their friends and neighbors with disabilities. Missed our previous inclusion events? It's not too late to watch the recordings:


Contact SEAC at or visit