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CHS Students Check Out Careers of Tomorrow

CHS Students Check Out Careers of Tomorrow
  • 2024-2025 Spotlights
  • STEM

Cheltenham High School students in Diversified Occupations, Robotics, Foundations of Engineering, Career Exploration, and healthcare-related courses attended the Careers of Tomorrow, a multi-industry career-awareness event for high school students in Montgomery County yesterday at the Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks.

Students learned about career pathways in various sectors including healthcare, IT, education, energy, engineering, manufacturing, and trades. Students and staff members networked with area employers and training providers to make connections for possible work-based learning experiences, such as internships, summer programs, and job opportunities after graduation from high school or college. 

Various industries with current and future employment demands were present to provide hands-on experience to the next generation of workers through dialogue and demonstration. Students explored activities, products, and services available in the community.

“Our students returned to school enthused about new career and education options to consider and excited to follow up with the contacts they made today,” said Brittney McKenna, the CHS Cooperative Education Teacher and Coordinator. "Connecting with local employers and post-secondary institutions to learn about different career path opportunities proved to be a valuable learning experience for our students.”

The Montgomery County Commerce Department and Montgomery County Workforce Development Board hosted this event.

  • Cheltenham High School
  • Cheltenham School District