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The Department of Communications and Development strives to keep district stakeholders connected to important news from around our schools. We offer a robust menu of tools to help our community efficiently and effectively receive and access information. CSD parent/guardians are automatically enrolled in our school and district based eNews/Notification system via their PowerSchool contact information. If your PowerSchool contact information needs to be updated, please use the UpdateMyInfo form. Community members are invited to stay in touch with district news by subscribing to our CSD eNotification system. In addition, we invite our district and Township community members to Like and Follow our social media sites and check out our great website Spotlight Stories and Announcements. 



As a part of CSD’s commitment to nurturing a thriving educational environment, the district is excited to share an initiative that will significantly impact the school district. In mid-2023, CSD embarked on a journey to define and highlight the unique assets of our district through a comprehensive branding initiative. This work, which is part of the district’s strategic plan and was done in collaboration with the community, has resulted in our official brand book. Please email with any questions.

View the Brand Book

Logos and Color Palette


Contact Us

Kevin Kaufman
Director of Communications

Rikki Rosenthal
Digital Content Specialist

Ways We Communicate